Navruz Bayram is an ancient Muslim holiday. The date of its holding is the twenty-first of March, when the length of the day equals with the night, and then gradually overtakes it. Spring finally comes into its own. The beginning of the field harvest, which is the care and hope of farmers.

Step 1
Each nation has its own customs and traditions. But the most striking for all is the New Year's Eve. The peoples of different countries celebrate the beginning of the year on different dates. In the Muslim countries of Asia, the celebration begins on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, when field work begins. Nature is awakening from hibernation. Buds appear on the trees, flowers bloom, and animals and people rejoice at the onset of sunny days. The holiday is called Navruz, which means New Year in Farsi. As early as three millennia BC, Navruz was one of the most important holidays of the population.

Step 2
On the holiday, many delicious dishes of national cuisine are prepared. The main dish of the festive table is spring sumalak. You need to prepare this dish in advance. Seven days before Navruz, wheat grains are soaked in a basin for germination. By the sprouts, you can predict what the harvest will be this year. If the shoots are long, then the harvest will be good. Pies "kok-samsa" are baked, stuffed with clover, spinach, shepherd's bag, quinoa, mint. For dessert, nishalda is served - these are whipped egg whites with sugar, to which are added fragrant herbal roots. There must be seven names of products on the table that begin with the Persian letter Sin: apples, fresh herbs, sumulak, sea buckthorn berries, vinegar, garlic, sumac. And seven products starting with the letter Shin: candy, honey, wine, syrup, rice, sugar, milk.

Step 3
Many events are held in Navruz with performances by artists, folk art groups. The performances of archers, strongmen-batyrs are beautiful. Strongmen perform with national wrestling, compete in weight lifting, tug-of-war. Cock and dog fights are arranged. Exhibitions of folk craftsmen are mesmerizing to the eye. No guest returns home without beautiful souvenirs. In his work, scenes of folk life are displayed.

Step 4
It is customary to celebrate the first day of Navruz with the family. On holidays, they visit relatives, acquaintances, give gifts and do charity work. They plant fruit trees, pay off debts, make peace with enemies, launch pigeons, jump over a fire. These days Muslims visit holy places and mosques.