If you received an invitation to a wedding, then you simply must, according to all the rules of etiquette, either come personally to the celebration, or send a congratulatory telegram. If you nevertheless decide to be present at the wedding, then to appear without a gift is the height of indecency. Therefore, you should immediately think about what exactly you will give the newlyweds.

Step 1
There are many options and each of them is attractive in its own way. Initially, it was the custom that young people are usually given household items. There is a wide range of possibilities: present a classic coffee or tea set, a night lamp for the bedroom, a toaster or coffee maker, a sofa cover or a chic Persian carpet on the floor - it all depends on your imagination.
Step 2
But keep in mind that wedding gifts should not be too expensive, because such valuable things are usually given by close relatives. Therefore, there is a possibility of giving the same gifts. This is certainly not fatal, but definitely unpleasant. Better make sure that the gift for your friends on their wedding day is more original and cute than representative and expensive.
Step 3
If you have already bought a voluminous gift that requires special delivery, then take care of this in advance, because such gifts are sent on the eve of the celebration, and bring only a small gift with you. Flowers are best presented at the registry office. Although very rare or decorative flowers alone can replace any gift.
Step 4
A few words about money … Of course, now it is the most common gift, especially for a wedding celebration. In any case, it is also very practical. If you have chosen this type of gift, then prudently make sure that the amount is significant enough. If your budget does not allow this, then get an inexpensive item.
Step 5
Give money in a white, unsealed envelope without a signature and various inscriptions. It is desirable that the bills in the envelope are new and large. Don't waste your time on hundreds. It is better to present such a gift with words of parting words. For example, "on a new path in life" or "for the well-being of a young family." But despite the fact that this is the most obvious and common gift, do not give money for a wedding if you are invited to people whose material well-being is obvious. Also, you should not give money if you are familiar with the heroes of the occasion recently or even superficially.
Step 6
Another option for a gift is a collective one, from a group of friends, but in this case it is better to ask the young people what they prefer: money or some thing.