The holiday is just around the corner, and you are not financially prepared for this event at all? With creativity and a constructive approach, try to make good use of the modest resources available.

Step 1
To celebrate your birthday sparingly, you need to have at least some kind of financial budget. Based on him and on your own wishes, think about how many people you would like to see at the holiday. Then, review their food preferences to create a menu that is acceptable to all. If you want to celebrate your birthday at home, then there should be at least three dishes on the table: an appetizer (usually a light salad), a main course, and a dessert, which is usually cake.
Step 2
If the budget is tight and the weather is fine, buy sausages, some vegetables, and sandwich bread for a picnic in nature. Also bring some warm mats and a pair of blankets to cover the invitees if it gets chilly. Just warn your guests about the idea of walking in advance, because it is likely that someone may not be ready to travel out of town.
Step 3
In order not to puzzle over the variety of drinks, invite each of them to bring with them a bottle of their favorite wine, etc. And in order not to embarrass your friends, ask for a purely symbolic gift that would not be burdensome for their wallets (a congratulatory poster, a general bouquet of flowers, a souvenir, a song or a poem, etc.). But this option is acceptable only if all guests are your old friends.
Step 4
So that the holiday will be remembered for a long time and would not turn into an ordinary absorption of treats, take care of entertainment in advance. Come up with 4-6 games that would require the least financial cost for props. Thanks to special brochures that can be found in any bookstore, as well as searches on the Internet, you can easily create an entertainment program for the evening. Self-organization of the holiday will allow you to spend your birthday the way you want, and will save money that you could spend on inviting a professional toastmaster.