If you have a question in your head how to decorate a wedding with your own hands, then you are either a very creative person, or the event budget is a little tight. In any case, this lesson will become very pleasant, exciting and useful, the main thing is to really assess your abilities and not take on everything at once.

Step 1
You must admit that you have imagined exactly what your wedding will be like for so long that you have every right to carry out all your plans. At the same time, it is quite logical to do a lot at the celebration with your own hands. No, we do not offer the bride to cut salads and fry cutlets. Let's talk about decorative ornaments.
Step 2
So, let's start with the hall where the celebration will take place. The entrance to the premises, as well as the windows and the dance floor area, can be decorated with graceful garlands. To do this, you need to buy a thin fishing line or colored wire, on which hearts, circles and other cute trinkets will be put on. They are bought at specialized locations that provide flower, souvenir and gift shops with various items for original packaging. Decide on the optimal interval and, putting on a heart, tie a knot, then repeat the procedure. The garland should look light and airy.
Step 3
Almost every chic wedding involves an abundance of white fabric that adorns all furniture. You can do something similar with your own hands. For this, a fabric that easily holds its shape is suitable. Fortunately, modern stores offer a lot of suitable options. Choose the shape of the bow yourself, look through the thematic magazines will not be superfluous, and then attach it to the chairs in the banquet hall.
Step 4
Decorative vases and candlesticks can significantly decorate both the entire room and just the table at which guests sit. As candlesticks, you can use glasses without patterns, decorated with beads, fabric, paint. Candles of any color and size can be ordered in almost all churches, the price for them is low.
Step 5
A branch decoration will be suitable. If you do not have impeccable taste, then it is worth stopping at white and beige colors. Combine them with greens and gently distribute them throughout the room.
Step 6
At home, you can prepare decorations for cars. These can be pre-prepared bows that are attached to the handles and mirrors of cars, garlands of balls that are attached to the hood, as well as various hearts and wishes on an adhesive basis.
Step 7
A separate field for creativity is invitations for guests. They can, of course, be ordered from the printing house, but people will appreciate and save individual postcards. There are manuals that describe various technologies for their creation. Alternatively, you can print a joint photo of the bride and groom, and use computer programs to insert some of the inscriptions coming from each of them.
Step 8
Things, in the manufacture of which the soul is invested, always make the right impression. Any person who wants to convey the importance and significance of this event to all those present at the celebration can decorate the wedding with his own creations.