Every day the world celebrates the memory of a historical event that is important for a family, city, country, group of countries and the world as a whole: birthday, day of memory and sorrow, labor day, Constitution day, etc. Unscheduled holidays that you have invented and are not going to spend next year also require their own name.

Step 1
Analyze the names of other holidays. Each of them indicates a specific time of day, usually day. If you are going to have a festive event in the daytime, the first part of the name will be the word "day".
Step 2
Highlight the main idea of the event you want to hold for the holiday. For example, you want to invite only girls and regulate the dress code - purple dresses. The second part will then be just the idea of a holiday.
Step 3
Match the first and second parts of the holiday name. In our case, it turned out to be "the day of the purple dress", and the name of your holiday may contain other details and ideas.