On May 7, 1895, the first radio communication session was conducted by the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov. Since then, this day has been a holiday for all radio and communications workers. If among your friends, relatives there are people related to radio - congratulate them on this day.

It is necessary
Whatman paper, magazines, scissors, markers, glue, sheets of paper
Step 1
If you are a radio worker, then the original congratulations will greatly delight your colleagues. Despite the fact that even on its own holiday, the radio station is obliged to work. Compose a short poem, if you rhyme easily, and print it on a printer, decorating it into a postcard using visual editors. If you're not doing very well with writing, look for a funny greeting on the net.
Step 2
A great gift will be a collage for all the workers of the radio station. Get a snapshot of each employee. Then arm yourself with old magazines and scissors. Look for funny captions (headings), cut out figures of people and other bright pictures that may come in handy. After that, put it all together on a piece of Whatman paper, attaching the head of an employee to each "body". Come up with a funny caption and title for this whole composition. Use bright markers for labels.
Step 3
You can congratulate your relatives on radio day, as well as the radio itself, using a phone call or SMS message to any radio station. You can find the phone number for calls and messages on the Internet at the website of your favorite radio company. And listening to it regularly, you can hear numbers on the air that you can contact. Usually, special programs are set aside for congratulations on radio waves at a certain time.
Step 4
For congratulations with a call or a message, prepare a wish poem or just kind words. The message can be funny and solemn, in prose or poetry, laconic or expanded - at your discretion. Show your originality.
Step 5
A variety of things can be used as a significant gift. Either connected in some way with the radio, or very necessary for the person whom you will congratulate. Therefore, build on the requests and your capabilities.