Making a good gift for a Scorpio is not so easy. This zodiac sign prefers everything mysterious, unusual, beautiful. Sensual and difficult Scorpio is best given something unusual, perhaps with a hint of sex.

Oddly enough, the first thing you should pay attention to when giving a gift to Scorpio is the packaging. Hide your gift in several boxes or layers of brown paper. Scorpio will appreciate the very process of retrieving the gift, he will stretch the pleasure, unrolling all these layers of paper for a very, very long time.
what can you give to Scorpio?
If you are in a close relationship with a Scorpio, give him or her something with a hint of eroticism and sex. It can be luxurious lingerie (both underwear and bedding), a love story, an exclusive sculpture on an erotic theme.
If your relationship isn't close enough, give them something with a hint of mystery. A good new detective, a telescope, a high-quality puzzle - all this will delight a real Scorpio. There is also a second option, give them something adrenaline-pumping. Certificate for parachute jump or hang gliding.
Scorpio appreciates good chocolate, so treat him with a great box of chocolates or a chocolate fountain.
If you are afraid that your particular Scorpio friend will not like all this, choose a perfume for such a person. It is best (unless, of course, your Scorpio friend is allergic) to choose a perfume or eau de toilette that contains cloves, citrus fruits, wildflowers or lemon balm, since these are Scorpio fragrances.
Don't worry if Scorpio doesn't open the gift in front of you. For this zodiac sign, this process is a very intimate experience.
Jewelry will be the perfect gift for this zodiac sign, so don’t be afraid to give them something expensive and sophisticated if finances permit. Jewelry with emeralds, turquoise, pomegranates or chrysolites will emphasize the beauty and sophistication of Scorpio, add sparkle and chic to it.
Men need to give something that hints at their strength. A collectible weapon or rare armor, a simulator or a book about wonderful discoveries. As a gift for a Scorpio man, his portrait, commissioned by the artist, a poem written especially for him, or an unusual male decoration in the form of a scorpion are suitable.
Gifts for the Scorpio girl
A Scorpio woman must be given flowers. They accept each bouquet with delight and gratitude, because their birthday falls on the cold season, and the flowers mentally return them to the summer. Choose something unusual, graceful, unpredictably decorated. Blue roses, unusual orchids, lilies - all these flowers look very good both in a single copy and as part of a complex floral arrangement. It is better to order a basket of flowers, in which the flowers will remain fresh for a long time. Such a basket will cost less than a huge "broom" of roses, and will bring much more joy. And the Scorpio girl will appreciate your taste.