Victory Day events always attract a large number of people. The Great Patriotic War affected almost every Russian family. People on this day remember the fallen heroes. But the celebration of May 9, even in small towns, is not limited to rallies at memorials and parades. Concerts, performances, film screenings, reenactments of battles are held. In order to have time to see as much as possible, you need to know the program.

- - computer with Internet access;
- - local newspaper;
- - phonebook.
Step 1
Decide exactly where you would like to visit on May 9th. If there is a war memorial in your settlement, the main events will unfold there. Unfortunately, not all small towns and villages have their own official websites yet. Festive events are organized by local authorities, primarily by the department of culture and the sports committee. Therefore, call there and find out what time the rally at the memorial will begin, whether concerts or sporting events are planned, where and at what time they will be held. Mass events on this day are organized both in indoor and outdoor areas. The schedule can also be found in the latest pre-holiday issue of the local newspaper.
Step 2
In a large settlement, festive events are held at several venues. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the number of rallies and concerts is usually several thousand. You can find out about them by typing in the search engine "Victory Day in such and such a city." The number of links can be very large. Sort them by date. At the top there will be the last ones that fully correspond to the text of your request.
Step 3
On the eve of the Victory Day, in the places of major battles, "Watches of memory" are held. They begin with search expeditions, and end with the burial of the found remains of Soviet soldiers with the honors due to them. As a rule, a solemn mourning event is organized not on May 9, but a little earlier. You can find out about the exact time in the local search unit. You can find its coordinates through the website of the "Union of Search Units of Russia". In addition, all search work is carried out under the supervision of local authorities, the time of the meeting must be agreed upon, so that the local department of culture has all the necessary information.
Step 4
Reconstructions of military operations are of great interest to spectators. Battles dedicated to Victory Day can take place both on May 9 and the day before. Check with your local military history club. Its leader is certainly aware of the upcoming event, even if the club is dealing with the history of another war and is not going to participate in the reconstruction.
Step 5
If you have a familiar veteran who just recently moved to your city closer to children and grandchildren, try to arrange a holiday for him. Contact your local Veterans Council, even if your friend is not registered there yet. Find out what is arranged in your city for war veterans, widows and widowers, juvenile and adult prisoners of fascist concentration camps, residents of besieged Leningrad, etc. know both the program and the conditions of participation.