Inquisitive humanity has made most of the discoveries, trying to peep at least with an eye into the future. I wonder what discoveries will you make if you want to know the date of your wedding?

Step 1
Make a compatibility horoscope and a personal horoscope. The Internet is replete with such resources (as well as all kinds of calculators and online tests). Some sites also assume an elementary knowledge of the basics of astrology or try to teach them directly in the text of the form filled in for drawing up a horoscope (such as, for example, Unfortunately, turning to some of these sites, you can make only one discovery: the descendants of Ostap Bender have not yet been extinct in Russia! Therefore, it is better to contact astrologers directly, so that at least you know who you are paying money to and for what
Step 2
See a good fortune-teller and have a fortune-telling session from a photograph. Give her your photo and a photo of your fiancé. If, for some reason, the photo of your chosen one is absent, then the fortuneteller will still be able to conduct this session using only your photo. But in this case, the wedding day will still have to be clarified, since fluctuations for several days or even months will be possible. The fortune teller will help you find out the date of the wedding with the help of palmistry (it is believed that this is the most accurate fortune-telling of all possible); the presence of the groom in this case is encouraged.
Step 3
If you respect the traditions of your Orthodox ancestors and attend a temple, refer to the church calendar or talk to a priest about setting a wedding and / or wedding date. According to tradition, the most common periods for weddings are the period from Krasnaya Gorka (the first Sunday after Easter) to Trinity, as well as the period from the end of Petrov Lent to the beginning of the Assumption and Autumn meat-eater (after September 14). But they are crowned, in principle, on any day, except for fast (long fasts, Wednesday and Friday) and the days of patronal holidays. And you can register at the registry office without restrictions.
Step 4
Ask your boyfriend about your expected wedding date. It is possible that the day he will name will not coincide with any of the possible fortune-telling simply because he has no plans to marry you yet.