How To Save Money On Your Wedding

How To Save Money On Your Wedding
How To Save Money On Your Wedding

A wedding is a wonderful and memorable day for all lovers and their families. The only thing that can overshadow him is the huge financial costs. Therefore, the question arises of how to save money on a wedding celebration. Let's get acquainted with the advice of experts.

How to save money on your wedding
How to save money on your wedding


Big expenses come from little things. Wedding invitations are one of them. And the point is not even how many guests are expected at the event. Taking this opportunity, sellers strive to make good money on decorative envelopes and postcards. But everything can be done with your own hands! And you don't have to be an artist or graphic designer to do that. There are many online resources today with a rich selection of wedding invitation templates. Digital technologies have many advantages in this matter. It is always fast, cheap and original. You can print on a regular home printer. Or use email invitations altogether. It is also possible to quickly change the information about the wedding celebration (place, time) in case of any overlays.


Fantasy can also be used in the manufacture of decor. For example, vases for flowers and fruits on guests' tables can be made from available tools: jars, paints and woven paper. Use ordinary Christmas lights instead of expensive spotlights. Balloons are also optional. An expensive order from special holiday agencies can be easily replaced with a pump and the help of family and friends.

Alcoholic drinks

Original personal stickers on bottles with alcoholic beverages will help you to save a lot on the wedding. Guests will appreciate your originality and will not get hung up on the brand of wine, champagne or cognac. You can also cut your budget by limiting offers in the bar. This technique has become popular for a long time.

Wholesale purchases

It is more rational to purchase food, dishes, napkins, tablecloths and other wedding entourage in wholesale stores or markets. This does not detract from the quality of the goods. On the contrary, the same products often have a significant difference in price in the market and in the supermarket. Moreover, in a budget store, you can get a discount for a large purchase.

Fake cake

Another way to save money on a wedding is to make a decorative wedding cake. Many pastry chefs overestimate their skill, time and imagination and charge a huge bill for a culinary masterpiece. You can go for a trick. Create a decorative dessert as an essential attribute of the celebration. And serve the guests with the usual leafy delicacy. It will cost several times cheaper and will not disappoint with taste. This approach will solve two issues at once: save finances and delight guests.


Some newlyweds invite a DJ to the wedding, which is quite expensive. But you can independently create a playlist in advance in accordance with the musical preferences of the guests and your ideas and use it at the celebration. Special Internet services, where you can find dance and romantic music, will fit into assistants.

Little things

Inexpensive flowers will also save money on the wedding. Everyone is used to decorating the event hall and making a wedding bouquet of roses. However, you can do more cunning and original. Use, for example, wildflowers, daisies, etc. - they look brighter and more diverse.

Another surefire way to cut costs at a celebration is to skip cocktail time. This is the hour of the ceremony when guests are treated to snacks and cocktails. Instead, you can skip straight to dinner.

P. S.

If the budget is very small, then it is advisable to save on a wedding dress and suit. For example, they can be ordered from a tailor shop or from a private seamstress. In the salons, as you know, they make a lot of wrapping on finished products. Or show your imagination and purchase not quite a wedding, but just a white retro dress or an outfit in a different style. The same goes for the groom's suit.

An additional but optional item is the invitation of a friend of the photographer or host to the wedding. Their services are known to be quite expensive. However, not everyone has such connections. Therefore, this approach should be used on an occasion.
