How To Celebrate A Birthday In Spring

How To Celebrate A Birthday In Spring
How To Celebrate A Birthday In Spring

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Spring is a wonderful time of the year when nature awakens from sleep. If your birthday falls at this time, you shouldn't sit at home. After all, you can take advantage of the opportunities that nature itself gives you, and arrange a real spring birthday.

How to celebrate a birthday in spring
How to celebrate a birthday in spring


Step 1

You have not yet had time to enjoy the winter fun, but spring has already come. If in your region the onset of the calendar spring and the actual spring do not coincide with each other, a birthday is a great occasion to remember all those entertainment that you will miss for another seven to eight months. Take your friends to the skating rink, bringing along thermoses with hot tea, coffee or cocoa. You definitely won't have to freeze. Guests can dance on slippery ice around the birthday person, or make a circle of honor in his honor. If not all of your friends have skates, it doesn't matter. They can be rented directly at the rink for a small amount.

Step 2

The temperature is steadily creeping up, the sun not only shines, but also warms, the snow begins to melt, streams appear in the lowlands. At such a time, he does not sit at home. People want to go outside, enjoy the first warmth of spring. At this time, it is still cold to have picnics, but going to a sanatorium or a recreation center for the weekend is a great option. Your guests will be able to walk through the forest, admire the melting ice on the river, as if in childhood, launch boats. And then a table in a warm room will be waiting for you.

Step 3

In the spring, amusement parks, paintball courts and horseback riding are available. If you and your guests are young and active, go play paintball. But, as you know, war is war, and lunch is on schedule. After the game, you can make barbecues in the recreation area, if the organizer has foreseen it, or you can hastily have a snack with the sandwiches you have stored and go to the park to try out new carousels, because you have a long spring day in stock.

Step 4

If you are lucky enough to be born at that wonderful time when the gardens are blooming, be sure to go with your guests to nature. To do this, it is better to choose someone else's dacha or homestead so that you can walk around the garden and fully enjoy the scent of flowers.
