Children love to receive not only gifts for their birthdays, but also greeting cards and posters. It is important to pay attention to the organizational aspect of the holiday, and then the celebration will be remembered by your son for a long time.

Step 1
Consider the specifics of the psychology of boys: most of them do not like to receive clothes and shoes as gifts. What exactly to give your son, choose depending on his age and personal preferences. This can be, for example, an interesting book, a technical toy, a construction set. It can be a big mistake for parents to give a gift in the morning, immediately after prompting the child. This should be done in the middle of the holiday.
Step 2
Compose your congratulations text. It doesn't have to be poetic - prose will do. In it, be sure to mention the fact that your son has become an adult. Wish him success in his studies, hobbies.
Step 3
Since children wake up later than their parents, start preparing for the holiday early. Decorate the birthday room with well-prepared posters, balloons and streamers. Wrap the gift in a box, which is then wrapped in decorative paper and tied with a ribbon. Do not expose it yet. Cover the table, but don’t take out the cake with candles yet.
Step 4
Before inviting the child and invited friends to the table, close the curtains and turn off the lights in the room. When your son is seated at the table, take the cake out of the refrigerator, put candles on it in the kitchen and light it. Wait for another family member to read the greeting, then open the door, bring in the cake and place it on the table. Have the child blow out candles on it.
Step 5
Now turn on the light and bring the gift box. Let your son open it on his own and find out what they gave him. Invited friends can now give their own gifts. Slice the cake and bring tea.
Step 6
Continuing to celebrate the holiday, arrange fun games with your invited friends, which you can play without leaving the table. You can, for example, play anagrams, forfeits, loto. The main thing is to choose games that everyone will like.