May 9 is the date that all residents of our country know. Celebration of the Great Victory in a terrible war that took millions of lives. People celebrate this holiday in different ways, but everyone has one thing in common - we congratulate those who gave us the world.

Step 1
If your family has relatives who have gone through the Great Patriotic War, it is your duty to be with them that day. Even if you are kilometers apart, you can always call and say kind words.
Step 2
Show attention to veterans. Buy flowers, many flowers, so that you can present them to as many people as possible, to whom we are indebted. Just thank them sincerely. "Thank you for your feat" - words that are worth a lot to them.
Step 3
Those who have gone through a war rarely like to think about it. Therefore, when congratulating, talk about victory and how good it is to live in peacetime. If you are celebrating this day with your family, ask the children to congratulate the veterans. Explain to them why this holiday is so important. If possible, the child can independently make a postcard, learn a poem or song for Victory Day. The veteran's word is a cherished part of such a celebration. An adult, experienced person will determine for himself what can be told and when.
Step 4
If you participate in the Victory Parade in your area, you can prepare a concert or theatrical performance, discuss it with the founders of the festival and take part in it. It is better to prepare a speech for congratulations from the podium in advance and check it with the teachers on the stage speech, if there is such an opportunity. Veterans on this day are reminded that every year there are fewer of them. If you decide to say this, cross it out of your speech right now. It is inhuman to remind people that their turn is not far off. Thank and congratulate them, do not bury them.
Step 5
The media also have the opportunity to congratulate you on Victory Day. Addresses, phone numbers of editorial offices and filling forms can be found on the Internet. TV channels also provide a chance to pay tribute to those who gave us victory. So, for example, in the program "Let them talk" will show congratulations from people who sent a message to the website of the First Channel in the editorial office of the program. On the eve of Victory Day, veterans will receive congratulations from the president and postcards from people they do not know. The Russian Post organized an all-Russian action "Gratitude to fellow countrymen". You can fill the postcard and put it in a special box. You do not need to buy stamps - this is a free memory promotion.