If you behave yourself and enjoy your New Year's party, you will not lament a career ruin in the morning. You need to choose in advance a line of conduct on the New Year's holiday and strictly adhere to it.

Step 1
The management of companies spends a lot of money on organizing New Year's holidays for employees, so try to match the company's image and not lose face. The bosses will probably look closely at their subordinates, you will have an excellent opportunity to prove yourself from your best side and earn plus points for your resume. Also, a New Year's party can destroy your reputation irrevocably if you forget and give up on decency.
Step 2
Do not shy away from participating in a corporate party, do not oppose yourself to the team. You will get to know your colleagues better, which means you will be more successful in working with them next to them. The bosses also don't like it when their efforts are ignored, they organized an evening - please visit it!
Step 3
Think carefully about your outfit. Do not shock management and colleagues with an outfit from a sex shop, a red riding hood suit will not work either. Choose an expensive but simply tailored dress in a luxurious fabric. Richly embroidered silk or brocade can outshine rhinestones and sequins of cheap outfits. And a piece of high-quality cut and workmanship that fits perfectly on the figure looks better than a vulgar mini and a deep neckline.
Step 4
Knowing yourself and your ability to get drunk from certain alcoholic drinks, choose the safest option and do not mix fantastic cocktails. You can even not drink alcohol at all, referring to important things after a corporate party. You can relax by celebrating the New Year at home.
Step 5
Instead of drinks, pay attention to food so that it is not completely offensive from the missing evening. When talking to management, do not think back to work so that it does not look like you are asking for a pay raise. The bosses are also tired and want to spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. Better to share a couple of short but funny anecdotes that need to be prepared in advance.
Step 6
Thank the bosses for a great evening and treats, but don't stay with them for too long, don't get sycophantic. If you need to go to work the next morning, do not stay late at the party.