One of the most important and memorable holidays is the New Year. And everyone wants to spend it not only deliciously, but also cheerfully in the company of friends or among loved ones. For some reason, they often forget about entertainment at the holiday, but after short conversations at the set table, you want to stir up a little, while not wandering around the corners of the house, but spending time all together.

Step 1
Prepare fun contests. These can be outdoor games for several people, everyone is involved, or someone remains as spectators. Sometimes you will need an operator to capture what is happening, or an assistant submitting the props. Do not be lazy to prepare the necessary things for this event in advance and think over the details - this will determine the mood of all guests at your event.
Step 2
Come up with or search the web for pre-written scenes. Performances are one of the most popular and simplest ways to have fun. For the new year, it is worth selecting scenes with the talismans of the next year according to the eastern horoscope and suitable for the season, that is, 'winter'. Distribute the roles so that an obese person gets the role of a jumping hare, and a very mobile person gets the role of a tree, occasionally swaying, or vice versa, if you know that guests may be offended. Or entrust everything to Providence - hand out the roles honestly, writing them on separate pieces of paper, and giving everyone the right to draw any.
Step 3
If there is more to eat than the desire to have fun by getting up from the table, use verbal or not very fluid games. Some examples: get everyone to say what they like about the neighbor on the right (in a circle, like the ear or face), and then tell them that you want to kiss the named part of the body; put a deck of cards on the neck of the bottle and announce that you need to blow off a few cards, but not the whole deck (the loser drinks from the bottle) and the like.
Step 4
After a short break, resume games, but choose those that are already suitable for the 'tipsy' company. Such contests involve swagger, action, and ease. Remember: you need to feel when the company has talked enough, ate and is ready to move a little, and accordingly wants to interrupt the active fun. Often there are several approaches until the guests go home or get drunk.