How To Spend An Interesting Holiday

How To Spend An Interesting Holiday
How To Spend An Interesting Holiday

Table of contents:


Usually, all holidays follow the same scenario - people meet, sit at the table, eat and drink, dance, talk heart to heart … That's, in fact, that's all, unless, of course, drunken fights and a showdown are considered fun. Some companies sing with a guitar and have interesting conversations, but the holidays can be much more fun if you use games and practical jokes.

How to spend an interesting holiday
How to spend an interesting holiday


Step 1

Lunokhod. All participants stand in a circle and choose one who will crawl inside the circle and squeak coolly: "Pi-pi-pi, I am Lunokhod-1, Pi-Pi-Pi, I am Lunokhod-1!" The one of the participants who is the first to laugh and join the first lunar rover, but with the words: "Pee-pee, I am Lunokhod-2 …" Thus, the one who does not laugh or laughs the last wins.

Step 2

"Thick-cheeked lip-slap." Choose two male guests with a strong sense of humor and an inability to take offense over trifles, sit them on chairs facing each other. Give them a bag of unwrapped caramels, there should be an equal number of them. "Victims" should put caramel in their mouths and say: "Thick-cheeked lip slap!" The more caramels in the mouths of the participants, the more they become like these thick-cheeked lip-slaps and the less intelligible their speech becomes. The winner is the guy who, with the same amount of caramels in his mouth, pronounces the phrase more articulately.

Step 3

"Guess who drinks vodka?" Any number of participants is selected and the same number of transparent glasses with straws and liquid are brought out. The presenter says that in all glasses except one there is pure water, and in this one there is pure vodka. The task of the rest of the guests is to guess who drinks vodka, and the task of the participants is not to show what they are drinking. The guests make guesses while the participants sip liquid through a straw. When everything is drunk, the host announces that … there was VODKA in all the glasses!

Step 4

"Don't spill!" A large glass is taken and everyone who sits at the table pours a little of some drink into it, it is desirable that these drinks be different. Whoever overflows the glass and spills this mixture will have to say a toast and drink the resulting cocktail. This competition will help you discover new recipes for holiday drinks!

Step 5

"Who it?" Two same-sex teams of boys and girls are formed, each in turn is blindfolded and put on thick mittens. This participant must feel all the players of the other team and say who is in front of him. The winner of the holiday competition is the one who guesses the most of the players.

Step 6

Clothespins. Several couples are invited, they are blindfolded and several clothespins are attached to their clothes in different places. The task of the participants is to find and remove all the clothespins from their partner as quickly as possible. The winner of the competition is the couple that completes the task faster.
