When choosing a gift, it is important to pay attention to its cost. As a rule, people are afraid to present too cheap a thing, causing ridicule of others and displeasure of the recipient, but after all, an expensive present is a bad idea. Having received it, a person will feel obligated.

Step 1
Think about how much you are willing to spend on a gift. This value can be guided by when choosing what to buy. If you find it difficult to estimate in your mind how much money you will receive and spend in the near future (for example, a month), do it in writing. Take a piece of paper. Using a pencil, divide it into two equal columns. Title one “Income”, the other “Expenses”. In the first, enter all sources of income (salary, bonuses, etc.), indicating the amount of cash receipts. In the second, list the likely expenses (food, utility bills, funds "for a rainy day", loan repayment, etc.).
Step 2
After calculating the maximum possible amount of the gift, decide if you are ready to exceed it. So, if your only sister is getting married or your beloved mom has an anniversary, you can borrow money or cut costs to buy an expensive item (for example, a washing machine, vacuum cleaner or mobile phone). Choosing a gift for a loved one for a significant event is the case when you can not be afraid to “overdo it” with the cost. The only limitation is your material capabilities.
Step 3
On March 8, February 23 and other "minor" holidays, it is not necessary to present expensive gifts even to the closest people. Limit yourself to an amount from 500 to 1500 rubles. On New Year's - a little more. Try to give things more expensive for your loved ones' birthday than for the New Year. On this holiday, you do not have to give a gift to a large number of people, which means that you can allocate a little more funds than for "general" holidays.
Step 4
When choosing a gift for friends, acquaintances and colleagues, focus on their income, the proximity of your relationship, the significance of the event and the approximate value of the gifts they give you.
Step 5
For weddings and anniversaries, it is customary to give at least 1000 rubles (for unfamiliar people, it is enough to present 500 rubles). It is better not to buy a wedding gift, but to give the money in an envelope. The newlyweds will decide for themselves what to spend them on.
Step 6
If you buy a gift for a colleague, it is enough to spend 100-300 rubles. For a cute thing that does not oblige the recipient to give something in return, this is enough.
Step 7
Remember what a person gave you on a holiday equal in importance to the one for which you are choosing a gift. Try to buy a thing that does not exceed the value presented to you.
Step 8
When buying a gift for a wealthy person, do not think about the price. You can buy something inexpensive. The main thing is that the item is original and the recipient likes it. A great option is to make a gift with your own hands. Determining its cost will not be easy, but it will bring a lot of positive emotions.