After registering a marriage, newlyweds most often go to a wedding photo session. Where do the guests go in this case? There are two options. First, a buffet table is ordered for guests in the restaurant, where they can have a snack, chat, get to know each other. The second - the guests are traveling in a crowd together with the newlyweds. And here you should think in advance how to organize everything so that everyone is satisfied, well-fed and cheerful, and at the same time decorates your wedding photos with their presence.

Step 1
We need to take care of the music, because without it, guests will be bored waiting for the newlyweds from the photo session. Music can come from the car, or you can order a musician, for example, a saxophonist, who will play romantic melodies. To such music, both the groom and the bride can dance (and then the most beautiful photos and videos will be obtained, since you will have sincere smiles and happy eyes), as well as all the guests. You can even arrange a spontaneous flash mob by dancing a lambada on camera. This dance is familiar to many, you can only show the guests a couple of additional movements, turns and rehearse once - and that's it, a flash mob video has already been added to your wedding archive against the background of some beautiful park.

Step 2
A great idea to go all together to an amusement park. In this case, for sure, you will get positive and vivid photos on the slides, and very beautiful photos on the Ferris wheel.

Step 3
Attributes, as without them. They perfectly complement the photo session and at the same time cheer everyone up. And mind you, here you just need helpers, that is, your guests. As attributes, you can use: balls, various accessories (mustaches, hats, glasses, turntables), plates with different cool inscriptions, volumetric letters from which you can make words, garlands of paper or ribbons.
You will get bright and funny photos if you take a rope with you. It can be a sturdy rope decorated with ribbons and flowers. You need two people who will twist the rope, and the rest at this moment can safely jump and pose for the camera.

Step 4
Remember how long ago you played trickle, I guess. in deep childhood. But this game is perfect for young people, it can bring strangers closer together, cheer everyone up and decorate your photo session with interesting shots.

Step 5
Let all the guests remember their student years. Get into the tram in a big crowd and wave to the photographer from the windows, let him capture it.