You accidentally met a classmate at the bus stop. The conversation flew back into the past. Joint trips for potatoes, Mishka's birthday in grade 5, a fire from diaries, graduation. We came home and rushed to look at old photographs. It sank in my chest. There was a keen desire to see classmates / classmates again. To bring all people together during childhood and adolescence.

Step 1
Let's define the goals of the meeting:
• a narrow circle of close-minded classmates;
• all classmates without exception;
• classmates and favorite teachers;
• classmates with other halves and children;
• Graduation of the nth year of your school;
• all graduates of your class teacher;
• all school graduates.
Today our goal is to gather classmates and favorite teachers.
Step 2
"There is safety in numbers". We need to find like-minded people from among our classmates and create a working group. And there is a lot of work ahead.
Step 3
First, you need to set a date for the celebration. It is better to discuss the date in a small group (you can come to a consensus faster). Fast time is not an option for preparing an evening of meetings. All your classmates have become busy people, scattered to different parts of the planet. They need time to fit the evening into their schedule. Yes, and you need time to find and alert classmates. The time margin should be at least two (or better, more) months. There is no need to coincide the evening of the meeting with calendar holidays (New Year, March 8, etc.). People form plans for additional days off in advance. In addition, there may be problems with booking the venue for the meeting evening.
Step 4
The date is known. We begin to inform our classmates about the upcoming event.
• Calling;
• writing letters;
• we create a group on social networks, where we invite our classmates and teachers;
• we place information in the mass media of the region.
All classmates should be provided with the names and phone numbers of the members of the working group.
Step 5
Having enlisted the support of classmates and understanding how many people will gather, we begin to come up with a theme for the evening, and decide on the venue.
1) "Disco 70s" (80s, 90s). Music of youth, awaken dozing feelings. The legs and arms themselves will recall popular dance moves. Are you afraid they won't remember? You can invite a dance teacher who will not only show you how to move in the rhythm of the dance, but also hold dance competitions.
Seat options: cafe, restaurant, disco, school auditorium.
2) “Ah, potatoes, potatoes. There is a coal in the skin”. The funniest school days began in September. You already go to school, but not to lessons. Together, the whole class goes to the potatoes. Let's arrange a competition. Whose link will collect more potatoes. Who will clean faster. Who will cook tastier. And for common affairs and conversations are more fun.
Variants of places: a summer residence of one of the classmates, a country recreation center, a clearing in the forest.
3) "Fast dates". No no. We will not meet new people. There is little time at the alumni meeting, but I want to talk to everyone. We will receive news from our classmates and teachers. What events happened to them after the prom. Three two one! Go!
Seat options: classroom, cafe.
Step 6
The case is small. Agree with the host, DJ, photographer, buy flowers and (or) gifts for teachers.
Step 7
We almost forgot. Funding sources for the alumni meeting.
• "Collaboration 1" - a fixed fee from each participant.
• "Collapse 2" - who, as much as he can, within reason.
• “Who needs it most” - the activists started this meeting, and they pay for it.
• "Sponsorship". Surely one or more of your classmates have their own business, and they will gladly take on the expenses (all or part of) themselves. Happy meetings and memories!