After 30 years of marriage, the couple celebrate a pearl wedding anniversary. It is believed that during this period, love has become stronger and cleaner, having endured such a long journey. Of course, an important date must be marked in order to remind each other of their happiness once again.

Step 1
Have a bachelor and bachelorette party, because this is a tradition of any wedding, and let the event on such an important occasion be no exception. Invite to this event the people closest to you who have been with you during your long life journey. Alcohol cannot be ruled out. In accordance with an unspoken tradition, a husband and wife share their thoughts about their past life with friends on this day, and if they return home sober, then they have secrets.
Step 2
Attend the morning church service on the day of the anniversary, light a candle to the Mother of God and at the Crucifixion. If you want to celebrate this day according to the traditions of generations, go to any body of water and throw 2 pearls or coins to the bottom. This custom symbolizes a long life together. Then you need to go home and, near the mirror, give each other an oath of love and fidelity.
Step 3
Choose a location to celebrate your anniversary. It will be symbolic to organize a celebration in the place where your wedding was 30 years ago. Do not forget to visit all the memorable streets and establishments that are associated with your wedding day.
Step 4
Invite children and grandchildren to celebrate your wedding anniversary, as pearls, among other things, are considered a symbol of fertility. By the way, it is your children who should be given the opportunity to make the first toast at the celebration, to thank their parents for their patience with them and each other. At the end of the evening, the couple should exchange two pearls, which should later become the decoration of the medallions. It is believed that a change in the color of pearls indicates that the spouses did not fulfill their vows to each other. Of course, this should be treated with a dose of healthy humor.