It so happens that you hint-hint to a man about the need to be legally married, and this only gives the opposite effect. Men are not very fond of pressure, manipulation and other prohibited techniques. Therefore, we will figure out what can and cannot be done to bring the cherished offer of a hand and heart closer.

Step 1
Some girls stop at every showcase with crinoline dresses and sigh away the white limousines. However, this is not such an effective way: a man may think that you are just dreaming of a beautiful holiday, and not about connecting your life with it. In other words, it looks as if you wanted to get married in principle, and not specifically for him. But if you happen to be at the wedding of relatives or friends, be sure to discuss this event. Listen: does he evaluate as if he were making plans? This means your goal is close.
Step 2
Another permitted trick: casually put on a romantic film about the engagement and wedding in the evening. Comment on the actions of the characters ("this is so romantic" or "solid pink syrup") and watch your other half. Surely he himself will express his opinion on how a marriage proposal should look. Just do not constantly resort to such therapy - the man will sense that something is wrong.
Step 3
Listen to his words, dreams and plans. You probably talk a lot about your relationship and the future. Pay attention to how often he discusses long-term plans with you and analyze how they fit you into them. If a bunch of children and joint old age constantly appear in them, then you should not worry about an offer that has not yet been received. Most likely, the man himself will soon gather his courage and get down on one knee. Try to challenge the guy yourself to frankness by talking about how you see yourself in a few years, and which - in old age.
Step 4
Don't hide the fact that you want a wedding. Direct writing is much more powerful for most men than vague hints. If none of the above situations prompted your chosen one to talk about the wedding, take the initiative in your own hands. Let your man know that marriage for you is a beautiful holiday and a symbolic confirmation of the seriousness of your intentions to spend your whole life together. And when he realizes that this very life has already begun, he will not dare to disappoint you.
Step 5
Pick the right moment to talk about the wedding, but don't start right away with the style of the dress and the brand of the limousine. The topic of conversation should be your feelings for him, your willingness to spend your whole life with him and share all the happy and difficult moments. If the man did not propose to you at the same moment, do not scandal and do not put ultimatums. It is important to learn about his fundamental solidarity in his plans for life. Remember that it is important not only to speak, but also to demonstrate in practice patience, the ability to negotiate, and compromise.