How Russia Is Resting On Holidays In 2020

How Russia Is Resting On Holidays In 2020
How Russia Is Resting On Holidays In 2020

Holidays have always been loved in Russia. From time immemorial in Russia, they were celebrated with days of rest, mass festivities, walking to visit, and gifts. Little has changed now. That is why it is always interesting to know how and how many days people will rest on a particular holiday in order to prepare for it in advance.

Holidays 2020
Holidays 2020

Government approved

Holidays - the red days of the calendar - are always a joy for both children and adults. In Russia, the government has the right to add a day to rest if the holiday fell on a day off. And also transfer the weekend to other days. The day before the holiday is usually shortened by one hour.

Each new year's holidays fall on different days of the calendar. It happens that this is a very uncomfortable loss. Therefore, the Russian government annually approves the transfer of some days to each subsequent year. This is done so that people can rest for several days at once, without interruption to work.

Holidays and their celebration in 2020

New Year's holidays are especially loved in Russia. Winter holidays are the biggest, you can relax from the heart. For the first time, the New Year in Russia began to be celebrated at the behest of Peter the Great - it was 1700. Only the nobility celebrated it, decorating their houses with branches of a Christmas tree, juniper, pine. The peasants did not celebrate this holiday. Now it is available and loved by everyone who wants to joyfully meet the upcoming New Year. In 2020, it will be celebrated from January 1st to January 8th.

Holidays 2020
Holidays 2020

In February, all men in Russia celebrate the Day of Russian Military Glory. This holiday has become popular, although it is referred to as "male". The date of February 23 was established under the USSR, but in Russia it was fixed on March 13, 1995 under President Boris Yeltsin - the law "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia." Will be celebrated from 22 to 24 February.

Holidays 2020
Holidays 2020

Every year Russia and many other countries of the world celebrate the first spring holiday - International Women's Day on March 8. Traditionally, it is dedicated to the solidarity of the women of the world. It appeared at the beginning of the last century (1908). Since March 1975, he has been approved by the UN. In 2020, Russia will celebrate from 7 to 9 March.

In the month of May, the country celebrates two holidays. May 1 - Spring and Labor Day. In 2020, it has 5 days off - from May 1 to May 5: weekends of January 4 and 5 are postponed to May 4, 5.

One of the most important and significant holidays in the Russian Federation is Victory Day. It was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 8, 1945. May 9 is celebrated annually, but it became non-working only since 1965.

Holidays 2020
Holidays 2020

Victory Day in 2020 - from May 9 to 11.

Day of Russia, as a public holiday, has been celebrated since 1992. 2020 - June 12-14.

November 4 - Russian public holiday - National Unity Day. It has been celebrated since 2005. This holiday is relatively new. It was established as a token of memory: in 1612 Moscow was liberated from the Polish invaders, the time of troubles in Russia ended. In 2020, the holiday falls on Wednesday - November 4.
