Birthday greetings are a serious matter, and it is highly discouraged to postpone it until the last moment. Otherwise, you can try for several minutes to form a construction of a congratulatory sentence in your brain and still not utter a word. To write a pleasant and unusual congratulation is what you need to do so that later you can memorize it and tell it, only occasionally looking at the piece of paper. If you personally cannot congratulate the birthday person, send him a congratulatory letter.

Step 1
So, the nature of the congratulatory letter may be, depending on the situation:
- serious (colleagues at work, boss);
- age (referring to a younger, peer, elder);
- light humorous.
- etc.
Step 2
On the birthday, as a rule, friends, relatives, colleagues or partners are invited. If you are a friend or relative of the hero of the occasion, take advantage of the fact that you know him well. Mention in your congratulations his unusual or rare hobbies, remember with good humor an interesting or dangerous incident with your joint participation.
Step 3
Of course, do not forget about who is participating in the celebration. For example, if you read a story about the adventures of a birthday boy in a girls' hostel, in the company of old friends it will be real fun, but if his parents are present, it will hardly be a good option for congratulations. In this case, you need to write seriously: about what kind of relationship you have with the birthday man, how you like him. Of course, at the end of your speech, wish him all the best, from your heart, avoiding standard phrases like “On this great day …” or the like.
Step 4
You will act in an original way if you write a funny monologue on behalf of your friend, and then read it in front of all the guests and himself. It is advisable to include in the narration facts that most guests know, so that it is interesting and understandable for everyone. For example, make one of the protagonists of your story a birthday cat that is as big as the average dog, about his washing machine that breaks down all the time, about his love for computers. Just try not to go too far - let the humor be kind and light.
Step 5
If you are a colleague of the birthday boy at work or a partner, do not be familiar in congratulations, and in general in communication. You can use in your address to the hero of the celebration the formulaic phrases like "I congratulate you, dear Ivan Ivanovich, I wish you happiness in your personal life and success in your work." Just do not overload the text with templates, you also need to write something of your own. You can limit yourself to the classics of the genre - a line from Milne's story about Winnie the Pooh, namely “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life! Pooh ".