The tradition of celebrating a birthday is deeply rooted in the past. If you want to make this holiday original - use the customs of other nations to celebrate this day. Many of them are rather non-trivial.

Step 1
The tradition of giving a birthday person a cake with candles, which he should blow out, originated in Germany in the 12th century. But the treat did not appear on the table at the end of the evening, but right in the morning. A birthday cake can be a great start to a modern birthday, giving the birthday person a festive mood and hope that his cherished dream will come true if he can blow out all the candles.
Step 2
In Germany, there is another tradition - an unmarried man over thirty on his birthday takes a broom and goes to sweep the city streets. At this time, his friends make fun of him and add work to him, throwing small stones on the ground. Cleaning lasts until an unmarried woman passing by gives the birthday boy a kiss.
Step 3
In Russia, the birthday boy can heartily tug on the ears of his comrades, wishing in this way to express all their warm feelings. A similar custom exists in Ireland. In this country, the hero of the occasion is turned upside down and lightly knocked on the floor as many times as the person turns, and one more additional blow is for luck. It is unlikely that an adult will be delighted with such a congratulation, but a child may be delighted with such a tradition. The main thing is that the congratulatory person has strong hands, and he does not overdo it with the force of the blow.
Step 4
Do not know what to put on the table - treat the audience with noodles. In China, this food symbolizes longevity, which they want to endow the hero of the occasion. It is believed that the longer the pasta can be sucked into by the birthday boy, the longer he will live.
Step 5
In Canada, it is customary to arrange a kind of ambush on the birthday person. Loving relatives and friends lie in wait for the hero of the occasion, and then smear his nose with oil or other food. Jam, condensed milk or fruit puree can be used. But in Jamaica, the same kind relatives shower the birthday man with the “dust of centuries” as a sign that he has become a year older. Flour usually appears in the role of dust.