An anniversary is a great occasion to tell a loved one how dear he is to you. And not only to say, but also to show - a gift in the form of money. And, probably, it will be more useful for a hero of the day to receive such a gift than a set of towels, pots or tools. The main thing is to arrange the donation process in a fun and beautiful way, so that your gift really brings joy.

Step 1
On the Internet, you can find many interesting and easy-to-make origami figures from banknotes. And you will give a bird, a basket, a butterfly or a house - it's up to you.
Step 2
If origami is not your strong point, and it is easier for you to give money in an envelope, you can make this method memorable as well. Make a very large envelope, large-large, (for example, a piece of Whatman paper folded in half). Decorate it beautifully, write in the “To whom” column - the most honorable (well, or the richest) hero of the day. And with the words “Everyone gives you small envelopes with money, and I give you a big one. Because most of all I wish you prosperity”hand over your present. True, it will not be possible to get away from the exchange of the amount - the envelope should look tight, full of money. You can, of course, add home-made bills, on which, instead of the monetary denomination, there will be your wishes and greetings.
Step 3
Anniversaries belong to the generation who have watched their favorite TV shows for many years in a row. Therefore, the donation of money can be clothed in the form of one of your favorite TV shows, for example, "Field of Miracles". For vitality, excellent character, thriftiness and, for example, the ability to cook barbecue, the hero of the day is entitled to two boxes. You offer to guess which of them contains the coveted prize. The point is that the amount you want to donate must be divided equally and put in both boxes. When the hero of the day opens one and guesses, we can say that the hero of the day is also incredibly lucky. And with these words, ask to open the second box.
Step 4
If the hero of the day is a man, and even with a sense of humor, play with your gift in the form of a "big wash". The rope is taken out with socks attached to the clothespins (clean and dry). The donated money is hidden in these socks. You can attract the hero of the day to this spouse, creating a new twist of the game: how much she knows how to feel, where her husband's stash is hidden. And let him try to guess which sock has money in it. The meaning is the same as in the previous version - there is money in all socks.