With long-term communication with friends abroad, there is often a desire to extinguish them to stay in Russia. In addition, sending invitations to potential clients and partners abroad is also an important part of entrepreneurial activity. When drafting the invitation text in English, it is necessary to take into account various grammatical and stylistic features.

Step 1
Begin your invitation in English with a message: "Dear friend", "Dear Michael", "Dear partners", and so on. depending on the status of the person you are addressing. The reference should be centered on the line. If you know the person very well, you can start by greeting: "Hello, Kate", "Hey, Mike".
Step 2
Write an introduction to your text. Ask how the person is doing: "How are you?" (if you are contacting a friend), then tell us a little about your life, that you have had a new interesting one, but no more than 1-2 sentences. Business partners can write "I hope you are well" etc. You can also thank business partners for their previous letter and inform you that you have taken all the instructions into account, or were simply glad to receive their message addressed to you.
Step 3
Tell us where and at what time you invite a friend or partner, for example, "Next week, on Moday, I'm having a party at home" or "Our company would like to invite you vising …" depending on who you sent invitation. Give some details about the upcoming event, for example, how many guests are expected, what is included in its program, etc. You can dwell on this point in more detail, since it depends on your description whether the guest wants to come to you or not.
Step 4
Give your recommendations on what the attendee of the specified event should prepare for. For example, tell me how many additional guests you can take with you, whether you need to have an invitation on hand, are there any fees, dress code, etc.
Step 5
Express your gratitude for the attention shown to the letter: "Thank you for your attention". Tell us how much time the person is given to resolve the issue of their participation in the event and ask to contact you in one way or another. Say goodbye to the other person and wish him a good day.