When Is The Christmas Of John The Baptist In

When Is The Christmas Of John The Baptist In
When Is The Christmas Of John The Baptist In

The Nativity of John the Baptist is one of three Christian holidays in honor of the birth of great saints. It was John, who is also called the Baptist, who washed Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan.

When is the Christmas of John the Baptist in 2019
When is the Christmas of John the Baptist in 2019

Date and history of the holiday

Every year, the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated on a specific day entered in the church calendar. In 2019, the holiday falls on July 7th. It is on this day that believing Christians will take part in celebrations in honor of the birthday of St. John the Baptist (Baptist), a significant person not only for the Orthodox, but also for the Catholic Christian faith. The story of the elder is described in the Gospel of Luke. According to him, John was born into the Jerusalem family of Elisabeth and Zechariah, who lived during the reign of King Herod. It is believed that the Lord gave the long-awaited child to the believing couple after hearing their prayers.


John was brought up in modesty and love of God. He lived in the desert, wore rough clothes, ate roots and honey, and wandered a lot. Wherever the Forerunner was, he preached to people faith in God and called for repentance. So he lived for many years and was famous among the people as a wise old man who performed baptismal rites in the Jordan River. Once, when a baby was brought to him, John prophesied that before him was the true Lamb of God, the one who would lead the people in the future. That is why John the Baptist is considered the person who baptized Jesus Christ and his main predecessor in Christianity.

The further fate of the elder was sad. He appealed to the people against the ruler of Herod Antipas, who lived a sinful life. For this Antipas imprisoned the Forerunner. The governor's wife, Herodias, hated John with all her heart and believed that by his sermons he would cause great harm to their family. She demanded to execute the Forerunner, and her husband accepted her request. The venerable old man was beheaded. Later, a church holiday was established - the Beheading of the head of John the Baptist, celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on August 29.


How the Nativity of John the Baptist is celebrated

For the Russian Orthodox Church, this day belongs to the great holidays. To celebrate the Nativity of John the Baptist begins with an all-night vigil. During the service, the clergy read canons and stichera glorifying the Baptist. In the morning, with the participation of believers, water, flowers and herbs are illuminated, which, according to this belief, help in healing from diseases. Further church services continue, which are usually attended by a large number of Christians.


On the Nativity of John the Baptist, it is customary to make a pilgrimage to the holy places, named in honor of the Prophet. It is worth noting that this Christian holiday has long coincided with the pagan celebration of Ivan Kupala. Until now, many people on this day, following the traditions of their ancestors, arrange mass bathing and dance around bonfires.

The Catholic Church considers the Nativity of John the Baptist to be one of the celebrations, and on this day grandiose festivities are held. In some countries, it is even a day off. There are differences in dates: Catholics celebrate the celebration strictly on June 24, exactly six months after the Nativity of Christ. It also falls on the day of the summer solstice, after which the duration of the solar day begins to decrease.
