Easter is a bright, joyful holiday. On the eve, it was customary to bake and consecrate Easter cakes, paint eggs. But ancient traditions provide not only for visiting church and eating, but also for a variety of entertainment and games. Most of them are associated with colored eggs - they are beaten, rolled, hidden …

Step 1
The most famous Easter game is egg rolling. It requires a small board or a piece of cardboard - a "roller". It is necessary to roll dyes from it. The winner is the one whose egg "runs away" further. Game options are possible. For example, it's a good idea to put different prizes at the bottom of the board or cardboard. When an egg that a player is rolling touches the prize, the winner will take it.
Step 2
Testing eggs for fortress is another popular Easter fun. The participants of the game sit down opposite each other and roll the dyes so that they collide. Whose egg cracks, he lost. The winner takes the egg. You can not roll, but just beat eggs against each other. The one who remains whole will win. If you feel sorry for breaking Easter symbols, you can not beat them, but simply twist them on a flat surface. The players spin the eggs on the team, whose rotation is longer, that won and will take away the dyes of the rivals.
Step 3
There are also outdoor games that were traditionally played and played on Easter. For example, a relay race. She needs two tablespoons and two colored eggs. All participants are divided into teams and stand in a line. The first player holds a spoon with an egg in his hand and runs to the finish line, and then back. Then he passes the spoon with dye to the second player and everything is repeated. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.
Step 4
Another common Easter fun is finding eggs. Usually adults hide them, and children look for them. Whoever finds the most will win. You can develop a complex scenario, divide the children into several teams, for each one draw up hints-schemes or write poems indicating the places where the little girls are hidden. Or, put a note next to each egg telling you where to look for the next one. Another option is to blindly search for eggs. The player first looks at where the dye lies, determines the number of steps to it, and then they blindfold him, and he must go to the egg and take it. In general, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers of the game.