The next Day of Czech Statehood will be held on September 28, 2012. This holiday is special for the inhabitants of the country, because it coincides with the Day of the patron saint of the Czech Republic, Prince Wenceslas. It was on September 28, over 1000 years ago, that he died a martyr's death.

The Day of Statehood, and the symbol of Saint Wenceslas, was officially established by decree of the President of the country in 2000. And although today this date is not celebrated especially widely in the Czech Republic, the Czechs honor the prince and turn to him with the following request: "Voivode of the Czech land, do not let us and our descendants perish!"
And this is no coincidence. After all, according to legend, having ascended the throne, this ruler declared that he wanted to arrange everything in the country so that peace would reign, judges were just, the people lived according to God's commandments. Moreover, the example was primarily set by Vaclav himself. He was strict and devout, led an almost monastic life, clearly understood when violence could be avoided and everything was resolved during negotiations, and when it was necessary to take up arms.
Wenceslas was unusually intellectual for his time - he spoke Greek and Latin, wrote in Glagolitic. And he well understood that for a small Czech Republic there is only one chance to survive and prosper - if the people are both moral and educated. Then the country will be able to withstand internal strife and defend itself from aggressive neighbors.
Raised from childhood by his grandmother in the spirit of Christianity, the prince did a lot to spread this religion in the country. It was on his instructions that the beautiful main temple of the Czech Republic was erected - the Cathedral of St. Vitus in Prague. However, the pagan elite of the Czech Republic did not like the Christian order introduced by the prince. Having entered into a conspiracy with the pretender to the throne, the brother of Vaclav Boleslav, the nobility killed the reformer ruler. But his martyrdom had the opposite effect to that expected by the conspirators. Christianity in the country won, the slain became even more popular, he was elevated to the rank of a saint and made the heavenly patron of the Czech Republic.
The cult of Wenceslas was officially introduced in the country in the XIV century. As already mentioned, today the Day of his Remembrance is celebrated as the Day of the Statehood of the country. Every year on September 28, a prayer service is held in the Church of St. Vitus, the Basilica of St. Wenceslas, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and other churches throughout the country. Pilgrims from all over the Czech Republic go to the relics of the saint. And on Marianska Square, in Stara Boleslav (the city where Wenceslas died and his relics are kept), the Archbishop of Prague conducts the main service of this procession, which is called the Holy Wenceslas Procession.
On this day, the President of the country awards all those who have made an important contribution to the development of statehood with the St. Wenceslas Medal. In the building of the National Theater, at the festive evening, the Czech anthem is played. Those present are encouraged to be proud of their country and adhere to traditional national values. Also dedicated to this day is the spiritual music festival "St. Wenceslas Celebrations". Orthodox choirs from different European countries are invited to it every year.