Wedding anniversaries in happy families are celebrated from 1 year to 100 years of married life. Each wedding anniversary has its own very symbolic name that reflects the essence of the holiday.

The first festive anniversary is a chintz wedding, which is celebrated a year later. It got its name in ancient times for the following reason. Chintz fabric, as a rule, has a variegated color and at the same time is very thin. By analogy with the properties of such a fabric, a married life lasting 1 year is full of new bright events and impressions. However, the bonds of marriage during this time are still very fragile and can easily break.
According to tradition, young spouses on this day should be in chintz clothes. Moreover, the wife had to sew a shirt for her husband with her own hands for the holiday, decorating it with an ornament. And the husband had to choose and buy a festive dress for his beloved. In the modern world, in order to comply with tradition, some spouses limit themselves to giving each other chintz or silk kerchiefs on this day.
Celebrating a chintz wedding can be a vibrant and unforgettable experience with a little effort. On the day of the anniversary, cover the tabletop with a cotton tablecloth made of white material with a floral pattern. You can decorate the room in which the celebration will be held. To do this, hang handkerchiefs on a rope, stretch it across the room. Shawls can be replaced with multi-colored flags.
Use traditional balloons and ribbons for decoration. Create and hang on the wall a collage of wedding photos and pictures taken in the first year of life. For the holiday, you can update the interior of the room using chintz and cotton. In the restaurant, you can lay the table with homemade tablecloths and napkins, put vases decorated with chintz ribbons on the table.
Relatives and friends present the young family with gifts made of chintz and linen for 1 year of the wedding. It is usually customary to give home items: bed linen, towels, tablecloths, napkins, tablecloths, baby clothes and much more. An unusual gift for young people can be pillows of an unusual shape, with funny inscriptions or the names of the heroes of the occasion. As a gift, you can buy fashionable aprons for each of the spouses, a picture with embroidery. By tradition, the mother-in-law gives the daughter-in-law a thin dress: a symbol of easy family relations in the future.
A young spouse can give her husband an embroidered scarf, shirt, tie, original scarf or sweater. A T-shirt with funny inscriptions, a cozy dressing gown, a bath towel are perfect. For his wife, a husband can buy a cute pajamas or beautiful underwear, something from outerwear, or at least an original kitchen apron.