For this adorable mask, copy the main pattern from the article onto thin cardboard and cut it out. To decorate the mask, pick up bright flowers from a magazine, from a package or a postcard. And the bees will sway and flinch over the mask with every move you make.

It is necessary
- - pattern
- - magazines, postcards
- - 12 thin, hard wires
- - White paper
- - underwear elastic
- - thin cardboard
- - yellow paper 24x3 cm.
Step 1
In the cutout pattern of the mask, cut holes for the eyes at the locations indicated on the template. Slit the sides and attach the elastic.

Step 2
Cut out flowers and leaves. Stick them on the mask so that they cover it completely. Start at the edge of the mask. The first flower and leaf should protrude over the edge. Moving to the middle of the mask, glue the flowers overlap, alternating them with leaves. Don't be upset if the flowers cover the eye holes. Once the glue is dry, cut the holes from the inside again.
Step 3
Cut the wires 10-15 cm long. Bend the end of each wire and tape it to the inside of the mask.
Step 4
To make bees, trace the yellow paper with a black felt-tip pen along the ruler. Make the top line thicker. Cut the paper into 12 2 cm pieces. Round the corners of each piece. You will get fat bees. Cut 12 drop-shaped wings out of white paper. Stick them one on each bee.
Step 5
Lay the mask face down. Place a bee on the tip of each wire, also face down, and glue it with tape.