Children's parties are an integral part of a child's life. They can be spent with parents or friends on a visit, in a kindergarten or just at home, in a family circle. But if your choice fell on the last option, then you will have to try to make everything go fun and interesting.

Step 1
First, decide the question - who to invite? In order for the children to be interesting and fun, it is better to gather a company of the same age, and as for the number of guests, it is best to invite no more than five people so that no one is bored and there is an opportunity to pay attention to everyone.
Step 2
Secondly, think about how you can decorate your apartment or room. You can do this with your child, it will be enough to go to the nearest suitable store, where you will find just a huge selection of all kinds of jewelry. Or you can just remember school labor lessons and make various garlands, flashlights, etc.
Step 3
The table should be set with unusual dishes, but from the usual products. The main thing is to prepare and decorate everything with a special festive invention and imagination. For example, from boiled eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, you can make "bunnies", "hedgehogs", "mushrooms". And how much joy and pleasure the multicolored puree will bring to children! Also, there should be plenty of various drinks (juice, compote, mineral water) and sweet dishes (ice cream with fruits, berries, milkshake, cakes).
Step 4
Various jokes, sweepstakes and contests with prizes can be included in the entertainment part of the holiday. The main thing here is that all games are dynamic, quickly replace each other. Also, when choosing contests, try not to abuse the competitive moments: not all children know how to lose, so you can face resentment, anger and even tears, and this is not the most successful decoration of the holiday.
Step 5
And when the guests begin to disperse, hand them, for example, a balloon, having put some souvenirs into them in advance. Let each of them take with them a piece of your joy and your holiday.