When the initial stage of school life ends, I want to celebrate it with really fun and in a relaxed atmosphere. After all, there is a lot of new and difficult ahead, but for now you should relax and have a good rest on the day of the graduation of primary school.

It is necessary
Certificates, gifts for games and quizzes, gala dinner, music
Step 1
The main heroes of the occasion are the students. Therefore, this holiday, first of all, is for them and their interests must be taken into account. Primary school students are very mobile, which means that several outdoor games, contests and quizzes should be held. But first, present the kids with certificates of honor for completing elementary school. The event will look especially solemn if the red carpet is spread in the assembly hall and the students are summoned to the stage accompanied by musical accompaniment.
Step 2
After the official part of the program, students can be invited to participate in fairy-tale games. Let the teachers dress up as heroes of fairy tales and conduct appropriate games. So if we take the domestic cartoon about Winnie the Pooh as a basis, then the teacher who personifies the owl will conduct quizzes on ingenuity and logical thinking. If we take an American cartoon with the hero of the Tiger as a basis, then this character should take care of outdoor games, such as running in sacks, high jumping, and the like.
Step 3
Children love to dance, so you can't do without a disco. Have students practice several movements of a dance and demonstrate their skills. A music teacher can act as a DJ at the event, who will start accepting requests for favorite songs from children during the disco.
Step 4
A festive table with your favorite dishes and children's champagne will be the logical end of the primary school graduation program. You can give an assignment so that each student brings one favorite dish that he would like to treat his friends to. Of course, the parents will most likely cook. But after all, no one forbids children to provide their all possible help. Do not forget about the appropriate decoration of the room where the prom will be held. Let it be balloons, holiday decorations and more.