Afisha's picnic is one of the cult events held in Moscow. After all, this is a recognized music festival that thousands of fans of alternative music want to visit. It is distinguished by the fact that recognized musical groups perform here. Those who decide to join this event for the first time do not always know how to get there.

Afisha's picnic is an experienced event. It has been going on for about 7 years. Each time is an open air concert with a varied program. This includes sports entertainment, dance floors, an open-air reading room, a video game salon, and much more. Of course, the highlight of the program are the musicians who perform on a stage specially assembled for this occasion. The number of groups and singles performers who take part in the festival is more than 50.
Since 2007, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve has been chosen as a venue for such a large-scale event. There are large areas, and the place is safe from an environmental point of view, and the park is located almost in the center of Moscow. At different points of the park there will be “clubs of interest” and a stage. A ticket for a musical picnic can be purchased directly on the day of the festival. You should remember only one rule - at the entrance, all incoming will be carefully checked. Therefore, you cannot take with you any alcohol and drinks in glass bottles. It is necessary to take into account the fact that there will be a lot of people wishing to visit Kolomenskoye on the day of the festival. This means that you need to prepare for the fact that you will have to stand in line at the entrance. And if you are going to the very beginning of the event, think about what time you need to leave so as not to be late.
The holiday lasts all day. As a rule, it starts at 12 noon and ends at 21.00. You can join the action at any time.
The easiest way to get to the Afisha Picnic is for Muscovites. First, they don't need to travel to another city. Just a few metro stations or a couple of stops by public transport and residents of the capital can easily get to this festival. They just need to buy a ticket at the box office of the venue where the event will be held. And the entrance is open. In addition, you can buy a ticket via the Internet with delivery. All this is documented on the official website of the festival. It is enough just to go to the portal and in the section "tickets" select the type of payment and receipt of pass documents. For example, residents and guests of the capital can purchase an electronic ticket. It is paid by a plastic card. The document itself will be sent to you by email.
The second option is to purchase a ticket on a partner site with a delivery order. The principle of payment is the same - indicate the card number and the desired delivery day.
Those who live in other cities, but also want to attend this event, can issue a ticket on the website according to the same scheme used by residents of Moscow. It is enough to buy it and print it, and then come to Kolomenskoye on the day of the festival, present your printout at the entrance and you can go to enjoy the music and fresh air.
In addition, a number of organizations arrange whole tours for nonresident people wishing to visit the music festival. The voucher includes payment for travel, accommodation and, of course, the ticket itself. Naturally, such a tour will cost a little more than if you arranged it yourself. But its main advantage is that you will not need to worry about anything. Everything will be done for you.