Summer is approaching, and the townspeople have already reached for the forest or park. But do not forget that ticks have already opened the hunting season. When an animal or a person approaches, they try to cling to them and get to open skin areas on the neck, back or scalp. A person may not immediately feel the tick bite, since his saliva contains an anesthetic substance. You need to be afraid of ticks not only in the forest. They are also found in city parks, and the tick can also be brought home along with branches, herbs and flowers. But still try to avoid a tick bite.

It is necessary
- - tight clothing
- - repellents
Step 1
Dress appropriately if you are going to the forest. It is better to put on a tight shirt and tuck into trousers, cuffs of sleeves on the wrists tightly grab with an elastic band or braid. Fasten the collar of your shirt and tuck your trousers into your boots. You cannot go to the forest in slippers, a skirt and a short-sleeved blouse.
Step 2
It would be nice to use repellents that will repel ticks and other insects. Some of them are applied to clothing, others to the body. But children and pregnant women are only allowed to apply repellents to clothing. Make sure that these substances do not get on wounds and abrasions, as well as on mucous membranes. Their validity period is from 2 to 13 hours.
Step 3
After visiting the forest, a trip to the country house, be sure to examine yourself, children, dog, cat. Not only the skin, folds of the skin and scalp. Inspect your clothing thoroughly. This should be done in good lighting. If you find mites, burn them or collect them in a jar of kerosene, they are sold in hardware stores.
Step 4
Do not drop ticks on the ground and push with your feet. It is even more dangerous to destroy ticks with your hands; viruses from dirty hands can get on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth.
Step 5
If, nevertheless, the tick has stuck into the body, it is better to seek medical help. But if this is not possible, then remove it very carefully, it is better to do this with tweezers. Try to pull out the whole tick without cutting off the proboscis. You can also drip vegetable oil on the tick, it will be easier to pull out. If there is still a proboscis, try to remove it with a needle, having previously calcined and cooled.