Summer is coming to an end, but an air show opens in the city of Zhukovsky, better known as MAKS. In the last days of August and the first day of September, anyone will be able to see the aircraft that the world's best aircraft designers have been working on for years.

By train. This is probably the easiest and most economical way to get to the event. From Kazansky railway station you should get to the Otdykh or 42nd km stations (to get to the first one will take less than an hour, to the second one will have to go 5 minutes longer). You can look at the train timetable on the websites or Having reached the station by train, you can change to free buses, which will run constantly to the exhibition complex and back on the days of your visit.
By car. This method will be complicated by the fact that travel through the city of Zhukovsky will be available only with special passes, which must be purchased at ticket sales points (their cost is about 2000-3000 rubles). You can drive along the Novoryazanskoe highway, through the city of Lyubertsy, along the Yegoryevskoe highway to Zhukovsky. Then you can leave the car in the intercept parking lot at the Bykovo airfield, from which a bus will run, bringing spectators to the entrance to the air show.
If you are a resident of Zhukovsky, then the following points are suitable for you, from where buses will also run to the exhibition complex - checkpoint No. 1 of the Ramenskoye airfield and Latskova street (next to the stop at the Ocean shopping center).