Colleagues at work often gather with the whole team to celebrate the New Year, March 8, and birthday. These are always fun parties, where you can not talk about business and completely relax.

Step 1
Gather the whole team on the eve of any holiday and discuss the date and time of its holding so that everyone can take part in the next celebration. The most important thing is to make the only correct and satisfactory decision when forming the party budget.
Step 2
Decide on a venue and decorate your office or conference room with balloons and colorful collages. But the most suitable option in many cases is the dining room: the kitchen is nearby, and the room is large.
Step 3
Consider a party scenario. In any work collective there is always a cheerleader who can take on the role of a leader. "Creative natures" will be able to come up with contests, riddles, congratulations, draw a holiday newspaper. Do not forget to buy gifts for those who will participate in the contests, please your colleagues. You don't have to buy valuable things, because the main thing is not the value of the prize, but attention to those who tried. However, if the budget of the evening allows, you can also hire a toastmaster.
Step 4
Take care of the musical accompaniment of the celebration. Good music always cheers you up, and besides, no fun holiday is usually complete without dancing. Audio and video equipment can be brought from home or you can ask the toastmaster to solve this problem.
Step 5
Discuss the holiday menu with the team. Find out who will cook what. Try to use the services of your dining room chef and his assistants, which will help you get rid of the hitch during the party, from the tedious duties of washing dishes and clearing the table. This is perfect for a celebration. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, fruits, food, etc. usually bought with money from the general budget of the party. To do this, select a responsible person who will purchase and deliver all this on time.