Organization of a celebration for a birthday person is an excellent gift that will bring a lot of joyful emotions and pleasant memories to the hero of the occasion. If he does not want to celebrate his birthday, considering this undertaking troublesome, you can take all the worries on yourself, giving the pleasure of communicating with friends for the holiday. However, in order for the party to be a success, and not become a burden for the birthday man, you need to take into account several recommendations.

How to organize a surprise party: guidelines
Make sure that the time of the party is convenient for the birthday person. If he's not going to change his daily routine on this day, you might surprise him with a surprise. In addition, such a party can be arranged both on the coming weekend and a few days after the birthday.
Make sure that the birthday person does not have any important plans for this and subsequent days (a well-conducted event can not in the best way affect his performance). It is advisable for the organizer to agree with the hero of the occasion in advance about a meeting on the day of the event, thereby “reserving” time for a surprise.
Decide on the amount of money that you can spend on the celebration. If you are going to cover the costs yourself, carefully consider all possible costs. It's a good idea to share the party's funding with other guests if they agree to the offer. Call possible candidates and make an estimate with them.
Invite only those with whom the birthday person maintains friendly relations. Guests should be warned about the planned action in advance, at least a week before the event. When preparing for a surprise party, an important condition is observance of the strictest secrecy. Therefore, if you send invitations to guests by mail, indicate in a separate paragraph that the birthday person does not know about the future celebration. When inviting personally, also emphasize this point. Do not forget: one inattentive guest, calling the birthday man with questions about the dress code or time, will nullify all your efforts.
A surprise birthday party does not have to be themed, but still, the original stylization can give the holidays a special charm. There are many possible theme options, from a Bollywood holiday to a hot Hawaiian party. If you decide to give preference to any theme, prepare a costume for the birthday boy too! Otherwise, he will begin to feel very uncomfortable in his everyday outfit among discharged guests.
When organizing a surprise party, you can choose any type of treat: from a picnic and a buffet table to a gala banquet. The main thing is that the festive menu should include the birthday boy's favorite dishes. In addition, do not forget about a spectacular and delicious cake that will decorate the festive table. Buy firecrackers or candles for a fabulous presentation.
That historical moment when the guests unexpectedly meet the hero of the occasion with exclamations of "Surprise!" and loud firecrackers, should not serve as the culmination of the holiday. If the birthday man spends the rest of the evening thinking about what to do with uninvited guests, consider that your idea has failed. Think over and plan well the course of the evening, prepare entertainment and competitions for everyone present. Although the main special event should be the hero of the occasion, you remain in charge of the party.
A few final words
As good as the surprise party idea is, remember that some people don't like surprises after all. If your friend prefers to independently and in advance plan all his time, carefully choose gifts, and organize leisure activities, he is unlikely to be delighted with such a holiday.
Most likely, the party will turn out to be a burden for him, and for you - wasted time. If this is not so, and your loved one enjoys the unexpected, loves funny tricks and all sorts of surprises - go for it!