In the work collective, as a rule, there is a female half, which male colleagues should not ignore on the 8 March holiday. Congratulations and gifts on this day are considered one of the norms of business etiquette. Therefore, it is better to prepare them in advance, so as not to be limited to something standard later.

Step 1
Congratulating female colleagues from year to year, many men have already developed the habit of giving similar gifts and congratulating them with a bouquet of flowers and a postcard as standard. Of course, chocolate and mimosas are the classics without which it is difficult to imagine March 8th. And yet, women are furtively waiting that it is on this day that the imagination of men will not be limited to flowers and sweets. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare congratulations a couple of weeks before the holiday and try not to repeat the gifts.
Step 2
You can congratulate a female subordinate with a bonus in the form of a decorative envelope with money. It is not forbidden for the boss to present a bouquet of flowers in an elegant package, for example, chrysanthemums or roses. Usually, the bosses congratulate the female part of the team, gathering everyone in a large hall or office and handing out gifts.
Step 3
You can congratulate your colleague by making her a surprise in the form of a workplace decorated with balloons or flowers. And you can find a beautiful festive picture on your computer and make it so that when you turn it on, the splash screen appears in full screen. It is not worth giving expensive gifts, because an innocent gesture can be mistakenly regarded as a manifestation of intimacy or a hint of a not quite working relationship. Try not to single out any of your colleagues during congratulations and presenting gifts, it is better to choose original presents, different, but equal in value.
Step 4
If a woman is the boss, then you should not congratulate her personally. It is necessary to strictly observe the etiquette of giving business gifts, preparing a moderately expensive present without excessive pathos, but at the same time original and in the theme. Avoid any form of familiarity when congratulating the female boss. Even if a higher-ranking colleague has a great sense of humor, give up the idea of congratulating her with a playful epigram or caricature, especially with the whole team.
Step 5
If your colleague is a beloved girl, then start congratulating her over a cup of morning coffee, and in the office present an original gift with a note in which indicate the place and time of the festive dinner. Try to leave work early that day so that you can expect your beloved colleague at the restaurant.