Thinking about how best to celebrate the New Year, you need to start in advance, when the bustle of New Year's holidays has not yet had time to capture everything around. There are always recipes to spend this day in order to stock up on impressions for the whole year.

Step 1
Throw a theme party. If the banal annual feast is already pretty tired, it's time to think about organizing a thematic evening.
Step 2
Make sure that everything matches the given theme: entourage, music, guest outfits, entertainment, treats on the table, etc. Absolutely any theme can be chosen: Chicago of the 30s with its fiery jazz and Santa Claus as Al Capone, Antique feast with Aristophanes comedy production and guests in tunics, a pirate party with a bottle of rum and a treasure hunt, which can be New Year's gifts or a fiesta with Mexican-inspired Mariachi music. The choice of theme is limited only by the imagination of the organizers of the holiday and, in some cases, by the area of the available territory, where the main fun will take place.
Step 3
Spend the original New Year with your soulmate on the rooftop. Taking a bird's eye view of the whole world - isn't that what all romantics dream about? A panoramic restaurant can be an ideal place for this. It is worth considering that panoramic establishments are very popular even on weekdays, which is why it is better to book a table in advance. If you want the whole city to be at your feet and, at the same time, without special financial costs, you can climb onto the roof of your house or celebrate the New Year on some viewing platform in your hometown.
Step 4
Go online. If there is no way to get out somewhere or invite guests to your place, you can celebrate the New Year in the chat. This is a good way to share your holiday mood with everyone and make new acquaintances. It is worth considering the fact that Russia is stretched over 9 time zones, respectively, here the New Year is celebrated almost every hour. Therefore, such a night in front of the computer will fly by very quickly, easily and cheerfully.