2016 will be marked by the Red Fire Monkey. This funny animal is energetic and far from calm temperament. Moreover, the element of this year is fire, so be prepared for unpredictable events and unexpected surprises in the new year.

Where and how best to celebrate the New 2016
The place itself for celebrating the New Year does not matter, because joy and good mood are created not by the entourage, but by people with whom it is fun and pleasant to spend time. This holiday provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate it unforgettably, no matter in a big noisy company or in a close family circle.
How to decorate a house for the New Year - 2016
The monkey is a very active and cheerful creature, so fiery shades are suitable for home decoration. The main colors of this year are: red and all its shades, orange, purple, lilac. Gold elements will not be superfluous in the New Year's decor. But it is better not to use black and blue colors. Candles and lanterns will create a unique festive atmosphere, such details will be very useful, because 2016 will be held under the elements of fire.

How and what to decorate the New Year tree - 2016
Decorating a Christmas tree for the New Year 2016 is a great occasion to show your imagination. Traditional balls, cones, figures of Santa Claus are no longer relevant. This year, you can dress up the tree with anything you want. Sweet Monkey will love candies in sparkling wrappers and fruits on the tree. And toys made with your own hands will also look original: garlands of beads or buttons, balls of thread, homemade snowflakes cut from foil.
What to wear for the New Year - 2016
The fair sex is recommended to meet New Year's Eve exclusively in an evening dress, preferably red or orange. Another highlight in the image can be a hairstyle, and the more original it is, the better. Forget modesty, you should be radiant on this night. Makeup must be matched to the New Year's look, use gold and silver shadows, sparkles, unusual patterns. Men also need to forget about routine and restraint.

What should be on the table for the New Year - 2016
It is better to give preference to hearty, but light food, products should be natural - without unnecessary dyes and preservatives. Welcome: vegetables, fruits, lean meats, nuts, herbs. Red and orange colors can be found not only in the decoration, but also in the dishes themselves. The main feature of the menu for celebrating New Year 2016 is the abundance of exotic treats. Prepare something original that you have never tried, then this New Year's Eve will be remembered for a long time!