How To Decorate A House And A Christmas Tree For The Meeting Of The Year Of The Fire Monkey

How To Decorate A House And A Christmas Tree For The Meeting Of The Year Of The Fire Monkey
How To Decorate A House And A Christmas Tree For The Meeting Of The Year Of The Fire Monkey

The coming 2016 according to the Eastern horoscope will pass under the sign of the Fiery Monkey. To attract good luck accompanying all undertakings in the next year, you need to "appease" this funny, but at the same time wayward animal. To do this, it is worthwhile to properly organize the New Year's meeting.

how to celebrate the new year 2016
how to celebrate the new year 2016

Character characteristic

The monkey has a cheerful, restless character. She loves to frolic, she is attracted by everything bright, shiny and rustling. Monkey's favorite colors are white, yellow, green, blue, red.

When decorating a house, a table and a Christmas tree for the holiday, it is important to make them as bright, unusual, variegated as possible so that the Monkey "does not get bored". Do-it-yourself decor is welcome.

Christmas tree decoration

Since the forest beauty is the main decoration of the New Year holidays, special attention is paid to it. It is desirable that it be natural, since the hostess of 2016 loves wood. If the tree is artificial, then you can insert several coniferous branches.

The Christmas tree this year is decorated with colorful balls, paper garlands, rain and serpentine. The monkey loves them very much, because outwardly they look like vines. Hang as many candies in rustling wrappers as possible.

Astrologers say that these animals are not indifferent to money, so do not forget to hang bills tied with a red ribbon on the tree - such a ritual will ensure a stable financial position. The monkey will like it if the tree is decorated with figures with its image, which can be cut out of paper, molded from clay, or sewn from scrap materials.

Menu and table decor

The festive menu should be dominated by fruits, herbs, spices. Preferred dishes are vegetarian, exotic. On a sweet table, it is better to serve low-fat cakes and salads with a lot of fruits and nuts. Place wooden, ceramic, porcelain and crystal monkey figurines between the plates.

The main element of 2016 is fire, so as many candles, icon lamps, garlands, and illumination are welcomed. Decorative candles can be placed on the table in beautiful and unusual coasters. The color of the tablecloth should reflect the main colors of the coming year. It is not necessary to choose plain materials, a combined option is also allowed. For example, a yellow and blue tablecloth, red and white, on the ends of which you can put on wooden rings in the corners.

Home decoration

Attach a wood or ceramic monkey figurine on the front door. Add funny bells and bells to create an unusual panel. In addition, the arrival of each guest will be accompanied by a jellied trill, which will be another reason for joy.
