Signs For The 2020 Year Of The White Metal Rat

Signs For The 2020 Year Of The White Metal Rat
Signs For The 2020 Year Of The White Metal Rat

Many people still believe in various signs. There are separate ones for the New Year 2020. The rat does not like risks and rash actions, it is very neat and thrifty, prefers to plan its actions in advance. For the Rat, peace of mind, love and harmony are very important. She is ready to help everyone find real family happiness.

Signs for the 2020 meeting
Signs for the 2020 meeting

How to properly prepare for the coming year, find prosperity, prosperity and family happiness in 2020? Signs will prompt.

Signs for financial well-being

The main thing to do before the onset of the new year 2020 is to prepare your house or apartment well for meeting the Rat. It is important to start tidying up in advance. There is still enough time to clean up and clean the entire apartment, get rid of unnecessary things, broken dishes and rubbish, create order in every corner of the apartment.

It is very important to wash the windows, clean the windowsills. In the East, they believe that a clean window attracts good luck to the house, helps to fill it with energy and ensure the flow of money.

In order for money to be found in the house throughout 2020, it is recommended to hang as many decorations of bright red, gold and silver colors in the apartment as possible. Red, gold and silver toys, tinsel should also be hung on the tree. Although the White Metal Rat will dominate in the coming 2020, it will perfectly accept rich colors and will favor gold.

If you adhere to the recommendations of Feng Shui experts, then the Christmas tree must be placed in the southeast in order to attract good luck and money to the house. On the Christmas tree, you need to hang several coins wrapped in silver or scarlet paper, as well as souvenir or real bills.

There is another interesting sign for raising money in the next 2020. To do this, you need to purchase an aquarium with goldfish, which will attract financial well-being to the house.

To avoid problems with money in 2020, you need to buy a new pillow and put a few coins under it. And before going to bed, be sure to think about what a wonderful life will be in the new year.

On New Year's Eve - exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning - you need to dip a coin into a glass of champagne and make a wish. When the drink is drunk, the coin should be taken out, put in a small red bag prepared in advance and kept with you throughout the year.

In order not to know financial problems for the whole of 2020, you cannot lend in December. If you want to help one of your friends, relatives and friends, it is better to donate money. And then next year they will definitely return.

In order for the wallet to never be empty, it is recommended to put a small mouse made of metal in it on New Year's Eve. A talisman like this will work especially well in the Year of the Rat.

Signs for strengthening and maintaining health

For excellent health in the new 2020, it is important to fill the house with positive energy. You can read your favorite books and watch good New Year's films throughout December, listen to good music and smile more.

When preparing New Year's dishes, it is important to be in a good mood, to do everything with pleasure and to remember the best moments of the outgoing year.

There is such a sign that during the New Year's celebrations, women should put on a bright festive scarf over their shoulders, make a wish and take it off after the last strike of the chimes. This will allow you to look attractive all year round, to avoid diseases.

On December 31, you definitely need to take a shower in order to wash off all problems, worries and illnesses from yourself. Then dress up in everything new, right down to jewelry, and meet the coming year in a good mood.
