Many people like to first get acquainted with their horoscope, and only then set the date of the wedding celebration. And yes - according to the horoscope, not every date is suitable for such a case. After reviewing the forecast, you can arrange a real holiday on a suitable day. For this, there is a wedding horoscope 2018.

Aries are better off having a celebration in August or October 2018. The marriage will last for many decades, it will be happy. Just do not go out of the budget - there is a risk of getting too loose. But in March, December, January, rams should not marry - the marriage will be accompanied by many quarrels.
The wedding horoscope is not favorable to everyone. For example, Taurus - they shouldn't expect to have a fun wedding in 2018. 2018 is a turning point for them - either your relationship will reach a new level, or you will part. Astrologers recommend avoiding weddings in September, July. But if Taurus still decided to take such a step, then it is better to set a date for October or August.
In 2018, the Gemini's wedding may suddenly fail. It is worth working on strengthening the relationship. In winter and spring, the Gemini will not be able to focus on preparing for the wedding, it is better to leave this for November.
The yellow dog favors Cancers in 2018. Family relationships will be very successful, built this year! Just act together with your soul mate - do not take all the responsibilities upon yourself. Favorable time for a wedding: September, July.
Leos should plan a wedding in 2018 only if their relationship is really strong and you have no doubts about your soul mate. If your relationship has been going on for a long time, then you can legitimize it, and so Leos are wayward, most of them have to settle down first. The marriage will be lasting if you schedule a celebration for August, November. But February with May promises you an early collapse.
Virgo should hurry up in 2018. Virgos this year will be too busy, they may simply not have time for a large-scale enterprise. But nevertheless, astrologers found good months for Virgo - the end of the year. All year long it will be possible to solve their career matters, and in the end it will already be possible to move on to planning a wedding.
Ves can marry a soul mate if they have a strong relationship. The yellow dog prefers stability, it does not like fickleness. There is no need to rush here - preparing for the wedding will take a lot of energy. You may have to shift the pre-holiday chores to professionals, otherwise you will not be able to fully enjoy the wedding. In the summer it is better not to get married - conflicts cannot be avoided. But September is a good time.
Scorpios are quite passionate and windy natures. But 2018 is a time to settle down. A retro-style celebration is suitable for Scorpios, but you have to be tolerant - organizing a wedding will give rise to quarrels between lovers. Spring will be the best time for a wedding.
A successful year for Sagittarius. But let the wedding be modest, for Sagittarius has a lot of envious people. Choose November or December for your wedding.
Doubts can overcome Capricorns, but it is better to throw them away. The wedding should be original and fall out in the fall. It is better not to play weddings in winter.
At Vodoleevzastaya on the personal front. Not everyone will want to legalize their relationship in 2018. But if you are still going to the registry office, then the celebration should be modest. But all the same, preparation takes a lot of effort, so try to immediately go somewhere on vacation.
Pisces are encouraged to have a wedding this year with a couple they don't know well. Spontaneous weddings are bad, Pisces better plan the celebration. Let the wedding be classic, it's summer time. And a winter wedding can only bring disappointment.
As you can see, the new 2018 is favorable for such a bright celebration of two hearts in love. But all signs of the zodiac need to be patient and think carefully about everything. A marriage will last a lifetime, if you do not doubt your soul mate, love her and value her! Happy New Year and Wedding 2018!