A birthday should be an unforgettable, fun and magical day for a child. It depends on the parents how this holiday will go. Prepare for the event in advance, think through the pleasant little things throughout the day, and happiness in the eyes of your child will be your best reward for all your efforts.

Step 1
The first thing that determines the choice of the format of the holiday is the age of the child and his interests, the stage of development, sociability. If a child shuns strangers a year, you should not invite many guests, clowns and animators, otherwise the holiday may be unsuccessful. If an older child is fond of stories about pirates and musketeers, clowns will not work for another reason. Always focus on the personality of your own child, because you know best what will give him pleasure.
Step 2
There are many materials on the Internet and published books with ready-made holiday scenarios, as well as stories of parents about their successful holidays. Something you may like so much that you take the ready-made version, something will give an impetus to the development of your imagination. In any case, it is useful to familiarize yourself with other people's experience in order to acquire your own.
Step 3
When organizing a holiday, pay attention to the design of the children's room and the entire apartment. Decorate your home with balloons, flowers, garlands, baby pictures, and possibly a wall newspaper or joke pictures.
Step 4
Do not drag out the party, especially for small children. Children 2-3 years old in a few hours either get tired and capricious, or overexcited so that they will not be calm.
Step 5
Think over an interesting program, but do not overload the children with contests and planned games, they will have fun already from the fact that they come together and can play enough of their own games. Have a set of entertainment in stock in case an uncomfortable pause suddenly arises, but do not strive at all costs to realize all your ideas. Focus on the spot, monitor the reaction and mood of the children.
Step 6
If you are inviting children with their parents, consider organizing a festive table. The children's table can be located in a separate room from the adult table. It is often a successful option when the children have a buffet at the beginning of the celebration, and at the end they drink tea with their parents with a birthday cake. It should be noted that many children eat very little and prefer not to waste time on this when they can play, so do not occupy all the free space on the table, this is not the main thing for them. However, neither children nor parents should go hungry if they come to the holiday.
Step 7
Prepare musical accompaniment for the holiday. Games and contests in silence do not give the festive mood that immediately appears with cheerful children's songs and dance tunes.
Step 8
When choosing gifts for your child, focus on the interests and preferences of your child. If a ten-year-old woman of fashion will be very pleased to receive a new dress as a gift, then a three-year-old baby will not experience any emotions in a new trouser suit. Presenting toys and educational, but not boring games, is always the best option for children.