When relationships come to a standstill, it is necessary to support them and give them an incentive to develop. And even with a stable relationship, it will not be superfluous to add color to everyday life. The most effective means is a holiday arranged by you for your man. It can be timed to coincide with a birthday, New Year, or simply become an unexpected gift.

Step 1
Find out what your man dreams of. It doesn't have to be an expensive car or a private yacht, sometimes the desires of a strong half of humanity are unexpected and quite budgetary. For example, it can be a model of a railway or a radio-controlled car - what he wanted, but could not get as a child.
Step 2
Many men crave extreme entertainment, because in everyday life there are few vivid impressions and adrenaline. If you are not too impressionable and ready to let your loved one go on a dangerous adventure, buy a ticket for a parachute jump or an airplane flight. Almost any man will be delighted with such a birthday celebration or other event.
Step 3
Romantic natures, and there are many of them among men, will appreciate a candlelit dinner. However, you need to get creative. For a truly unforgettable experience, arrange an evening on the rooftop of a high-rise building. Recently, multi-storey buildings have been adapted for this kind of entertainment, equipped with parapets and a convenient entrance from the entrance. Place a table there, cover it with a tablecloth, decorate with long candles in elegant candlesticks and a thin vase with a delicate flower. Prepare something light and not very satisfying so that your man after such a dinner will lead you to bed not to sleep. Put on a tape recorder with quiet romantic music so you can dance. Prepare fireworks in advance that you can then jointly launch.
Step 4
You can also prepare some kind of memorable surprise that will evoke pleasant memories of the years lived together. Some men, while showing themselves cold and pragmatic, are actually very sentimental. If you know that your man is not alien to romance, post old joint photos on the wall in the bedroom. You can also stick there any phrases or words, the meaning of which is clear only to both of you, to put music for the background, with which something is connected in your relationship. It will evoke tender emotions and give your relationship a new impetus.
Step 5
For a real man, arrange a masculine party. Agree with his friends and organize, for example, a men's bath or a picnic. For nature lovers, you can arrange an overnight trip to the forest. The more pleasant surprises you present to your man, the more grateful and successful he will be.