School and student years pass so imperceptibly that soon only memories of them remain. For many, this time brought not only difficulties on the path of becoming a personality, but also became a pillar of subsequent achievements. And for this, we should thank not only our talents, but also those who helped to discover and develop them.

Thank you for being
People remember to be grateful when an example worthy of emulation is in front of their eyes. Often it is served by relatives who raised the children to their feet and gave them a ticket to an independent life.
But in addition to the care of loved ones, the sensitive and patient attitude of teachers plays an important role for their pupils. These merits may not seem so obvious, but it is these people who are endowed with the ability to direct even strangers on the right path. The teachers, the memory of which has been kept in the minds of students for years, managed to become strangers to the children as real mentors and a second family.
The ability to thank beautifully
In order to please the teacher with your attention and warm words, it is not necessary to wait for his anniversary or Teacher's Day. It often happens that the connection with people who taught the basics of science and life is lost. But you can always find time even in the tightest schedule and see your favorite teacher.
If you want to express your wishes to the teacher in writing, fill them out properly. It is advisable to do this on a beautiful postcard and neat handwriting. Maintain the tradition of a business letter with accompanying details. Of course, you are not required to write an official speech in accordance with all its canons, limit yourself to observing elementary norms.
In the head of the letter, indicate the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom it is addressed, add a suitable universal epithet, such as "respected" or "dear". After the main test piece of the message, written in a respectful tone, put your initials and signature. As a nice addition, attach not only your hand to the letter, but also a small bouquet of flowers.
Tell us about your own achievements, which should please the teacher, but do not forget to explain how important his contribution to your destiny is for you. It will be appropriate to write a few phrases about the past school or student days. Remember an interesting incident related to your studies. Thus, you will show attention to the teacher and to everything that he gave you.
Do not think that after you graduated from school, the teacher did not care about you. Such meetings with grown-up wards inspire the further education of the younger generation and give an understanding that efforts are not wasted. Stay sincere in what you want to convey, because this is the only way to truly please a person with a kind word.