An integral part of the New Year's holiday is a suitably decorated house and an elegant Christmas tree. A large number of different home decorations appear in stores before the holiday, but many people still want to make an apartment smart on their own, making decor elements on their own. But how can this be done?

It is necessary
various materials for needlework according to your taste
Step 1
Make your own Christmas tree decorations. A wide variety of materials can be used for this. Papier-mâché crafts are a good option - they are quite lightweight, and at the same time not as fragile as traditional glass balls. To do this, first prepare the paste. It is best to cook it yourself from water and starch. The glue should be fairly liquid. Also prepare paper for pasting - it should be thin, newspapers will work well.
Step 2
Select the figure that you will glue with paper pulp. This can be, for example, a regular Christmas tree ball. Lubricate it with vegetable oil and start covering it with small pieces of torn newspaper. There should be at least ten layers, grease each of them with paste. The last layer is best done with white paper.
Leave the resulting whitewash to dry for a day, then cut the paper layers into halves and remove the base from them. Glue the resulting halves and paint to your liking.
Step 3
Sweets will also be a good decoration for the Christmas tree. Bake small biscuits, make candies in foil. Then attach ribbons to them and hang them on the tree. Especially such "Christmas tree toys" will appeal to children.
Step 4
The windows of the house can be decorated with snowflakes. To do this, cut them out of paper and, after rubbing with soap, attach them to the glass. It is better not to use glue for this, so as not to spoil the windows.
Step 5
Garlands can also be a good decoration option for both the home and the Christmas tree. The simplest version of such a decor can be made by a child. To do this, prepare strips of colored paper or foil and glue them into rings connected to each other. Also, garlands can be made from paper-cut figures, for example, a snowman or a Christmas tree, connected with a thread.
Step 6
An interesting decoration option can be soft toys with a New Year's theme. They can be sewn or knitted, and ordinary cotton wool can be used as a filler. Small figures can be hung on the tree, and large toys can be placed under it.