What To Give A Baby For 1 Month

What To Give A Baby For 1 Month
What To Give A Baby For 1 Month

Choosing the right gift is often a serious problem. What can we say about cases when a gift is intended for a tiny baby in honor of the first month of his life. So what can you give a baby who is only a month old?

What to give a baby for 1 month
What to give a baby for 1 month

A win-win gift - a toy

The gift should be necessary and useful, both for the child himself and for his parents. A month-old child cannot yet grasp objects with his hands, but he already distinguishes bright colors, reacts well to sounds, and examines with interest what stands out against the general background. Therefore, a large rattle or a pendant toy that can be attached to the wall of a crib or stroller will serve as a good gift. The main thing is that it is beautiful, brightly colored, without small details. Such a toy will surely attract the attention of the kid. The suspension is especially well suited, which emits a quiet melodic ringing when rocked.

In the store you can see such mobile toys of various configurations, for example, there are pendants on sale that have a built-in projector.

You can donate diapers or baby skin care products. A stock of diapers for 1-2 months, presented as a gift, will surely please the parents of the child, and will benefit the baby. Children's cosmetics will also be a good gift: various creams, dusting powders. You can present a ready-made children's first aid kit.

It is better to check with the baby's parents in advance which baby cosmetics are preferable for them.

Buy a book, because kids need to read from childhood. Try to keep the pictures bright and large.

Gift "for the future"

If all of the above seems too commonplace, you can safely present a gift designed for older children, with the words: "This is for you to grow!" A developing rug, arena, rocking table and much more will surely please both the parents of the hero of the occasion, and himself, when he grows up a little.

Many people follow the custom of giving a child a silver spoon when their first tooth is erupting. But it can also be presented as a gift in advance, when the baby is 1 month old.

You can also give your child a set of clothing to grow. Or present some household appliances that the baby's mother will use when he gets a little older, such as a blender-steamer.

Finally, a good gift option is money. Hand the child's parents an envelope with the words: "We thought for a long time what to give the little one, and decided that mom and dad know better!" Then you can be sure that the baby will really be given a necessary and useful gift. If it is awkward to give money, buy a gift certificate at a children's goods store.
