How Is World Knitting Day In Public?

How Is World Knitting Day In Public?
How Is World Knitting Day In Public?

All knitting lovers can get together and celebrate an unusual holiday - World Knitting Day in public. It was invented by a Frenchwoman, a knitting fancier Daniel Lendes, but today this tradition has "settled" in many countries - Russia, Ukraine, USA, England, Finland, Sweden, Estonia and others.

How is World Knitting Day in public?
How is World Knitting Day in public?

World Knitting Day is celebrated every second Saturday in June. As a rule, it is of a charitable nature - things related to this day are donated to orphanages, to funds to help those in need, or sold at fairs (the money is also sent to charity). To make the work more efficient, the participants bring pre-connected blanks or ready-made things, and at the holiday itself they only sew the details together.

Participants will find out about the upcoming holiday in advance, from announcements or the Internet. Official gathering locations are published on, but in many cities the celebration is simply organized via social media. Gathering together in any public place - a public garden, a park, a square, a cafe - the participants indulge in their favorite business. You can knit with knitting needles or crochet, depending on your desire. Even those who do not know how to knit can participate in the event - master classes and training lessons are often arranged.

Sometimes a knitting party is organized by shops selling yarn and handicrafts, or they can sponsor the event. In this case, in order to make the event more interesting, contests, fashion shows, exhibitions are held, prizes and gifts are provided for the best participants. Everyone can show their skills and talents, reveal their potential.

Today this holiday is held in more than 350 cities around the world, that is, wherever there are knitting enthusiasts. If in your city or district they have not heard of such a day, organize it yourself. Contact those who like to knit using social networks or the media, come up with a goal (for example, to help the nearest orphanage), a place and time of gathering - and there will definitely be those who wish.
